Today is the fifteenth day of the first month of the Tibetan Calendar, and the culmination of the annual Great Prayer Festival (Monlam Chenmo), a two-week-long festival that begins with the Tibetan New Year.
In accordance with our tradition of dedicating the merit gained from these prayers for the well-being of all sentient beings, this year too I fervently pray for greater peace and understanding in our world. It saddens me to see so many people suffering as a result of conflict, in Ukraine, in Gaza, and other parts of the world. By now we might have hoped that human beings would have learned from our history of violence. In all such conflicts, it is the innocent who bear the heaviest burden—living in fear, facing the loss of so much, even our lives, and constantly enduring the challenge of uncertainty.
One simple truth remains: every human being, each and every one of us, wishes not to suffer and only wants to be happy. If we recognize our shared humanity, recalling that the welfare of one depends on the welfare of all, I truly believe we can find a peaceful resolution to even the most intractable conflicts. But to do so requires a willingness to enter into dialogue and negotiation. I therefore appeal for concerted efforts to create a more compassionate, peaceful world free from violence.
With my prayers and good wishes,
The Dalai Lama
14 March 2025