Mundgod, Karnataka, India, 1 July 2016 - Following His Holiness’s two-week trip to the United States, he returned to India and arrived in Goa on 30th June where he was greeted by the Deputy Chief Minister, the Senior Abbot of Drepung Monastic University and representatives of the Doeguling Tibetan Settlement, Mundgod, Karnataka State. He then made his way by road to the coastal town of Karwar, where he was welcomed by Indian District officials and abbots and representatives from monasteries of all the denominations of Tibetan Buddhism reestablished in Karnataka. His Holiness rested there for the night before making the journey up the Western Ghats to the Deccan Plateau where Doeguling is located.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greeting assemble monks as he arrives at the Drepung Lachi Assembly Hall in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on July 1, 2016. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
Members of the Tibetan community lined the streets this morning to express their reverence and delight at His Holiness’s visit. He was driven through Ganden Monastic University, through the administrative center of the Settlement, to Drepung Monastic University, home of Dalai Lamas over many lifetimes. Ganden Tri Rinpoche, Supreme Head of the Gelug Order of Tibetan Buddhism, Sharpa Choeje Rinpoche and Abbots of all denominations welcomed him. Tea was served, during which His Holiness spoke to the assembled senior monks about the importance of the Nalanda Tradition of Buddhist study and practice they represent, beseeching them to maintain the rigorous standards necessary to preserve this unique tradition.
His Holiness then spoke of his recent trip to America and of having met mayors of cities, some of which have taken on names such as City of Kindness and City of Compassion. He told the monastic gathering of how the cities were working at integrating qualities of compassion and kindness among their citizens, and as a result, how crime was diminishing and schools were reporting less trouble. He expressed that with Buddhism’s great knowledge of psychology and techniques by which virtuous states of mind can be developed, there was an important contribution this community can make to the commendable endeavors of these cities, which he hoped would eventually be adopted by cities across the world.
During his week-long stay in the Doeguling Settlement, he will bestow full ordination upon 81 monks each day for the next four days. At the request of the organisers of the year-long 80th Birthday celebrations and the Tibetan Community, he will attend the concluding ceremony on July 6th.