Mundgod, Karnataka, India, 26 December 2014 - At the end of the teaching session yesterday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama shifted his temporary residence to Ganden Shartse Monastery, where he will stay for three nights. This morning he returned to Jangtse, which continues to be the venue for the Lam Rim teachings. A semi-circle of chairs had been arranged before the teaching throne. Guru Rinpoche the Abbot of Namgyal Lhatse Monastery in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh was invited to explain the occasion.
He said that after His Holiness left Tibet in 1959, he gave his first teaching in exile at Tawang 55 years ago. The people of Tawang had decided to present an award to him to mark the event. The trophy, made of silver, is formed of a lotus to represent His Holiness’s compassion, a globe to represent his worldwide activities, and topped by a Dharma wheel.
Next to speak was RV Deshpande, Karnataka Minister for Tourism, who acknowledged His Holiness’s good works and requested him to come to Karnataka again and again.
The elected Tibetan leader, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay repeated that His Holiness had given his first teaching in exile at Tawang. He added that in the 55 years since, he has worked tirelessly, travelling all over the world spreading a message of peace and sharing the ideas of the Nalanda tradition. He described His Holiness as a beacon of hope, the heart and soul of the Tibetan people. He took the opportunity once again to thank the government and people of India and especially the government and people of Karnataka for the support they have shown Tibetans.
The Union Minister of State for Home Affairs, Kiren Rijiju, quoted His Holiness’s often saying that Indians were the gurus while Tibetans were the chelas or disciples,
“But,” he said, “His Holiness is the world’s guru. We need his blessings.”
Called upon to reply, His Holiness said:
“Today, we have Ganden Tri Rinpoche and Sharpa and Jangtse Chöjeys, two Ministers from Karnataka, and esteemed representatives from Arunachal Pradesh here among us. The Mön people have close spiritual links with Tibet. The Arunachal government wants to commemorate the 55th anniversary of my first teaching in Tawang. I’d like to thank them.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking during the ceremony to mark 55th anniversary of his first teaching in exile at Ganden Jangtse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 26, 2014. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
He remembered that he had been suffering from dysentery, but was beginning to recover when he reached Memang. He spoke of his relief at meeting PN Menon who he first met in Beijing and who had served at Dekyi Lingka, the British and subsequently Indian mission at Lhasa. Menon told him he was welcoming him on behalf of the Indian Government.
Later, Nehru asked the States of the Indian Union if any of them could provide land on which to accommodate the tens of thousands of Tibetan refugees who had followed His Holiness into exile. The most positive response came from S. Nijalingappa, Chief Minister of what was then the Mysore Presidency and is now Karnataka. His Holiness again expressed his thanks. He remarked that that initial support has now matured into cooperative ventures like the understanding between Tumkur University and Sera Jey Monastic University.
Returning to the assembly hall after a short break, His Holiness told the audience that Dagyab Rinpoche, who he had known since he was a small boy, had asked to be allowed to offer a Prayer for the Long Life of His Holiness. He said:
“Like me, he used to propitiate Dolgyal, but he listened to what I had to say and understood it and gave the practice up. He trusted the investigations I had done. When someone shows trust in me, it’s right that I should return that trust. So, when he asked to offer a Prayer for my Long Life, I consented.”
The Chant-Master led the prayers up to the point where the Lama makes a citation and request. Dagyab Rinpoche, flanked by Dagyabpa and Member of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Ghang Lhamo, declared the following.
“His Holiness is impartial in his love and compassion for all, he is a champion of peace and honoured as such. We people of the Dagyab region of Tibet, with faith and devotion to you, and out of gratitude, offer this prayer for your long life. We are fortunate to have your consent to this.

Dagyab Rinpoche making a declaration during the Long Life Offering Ceremony for His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Ganden Jangtse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 26, 2014. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
“You are a fully qualified Lama, laden with knowledge earned through study and practice under the guidance of your tutors Reting Rinpoche, Tadrag Rinpoche, Ling Rinpoche and Trijang Rinpoche. You excelled as a student of these Lamas. You took responsibility for Tibet as previous Dalai Lamas have done and became Tibet’s sole hope and refuge. You have given teachings and empowerments and encouraged a strong sense of confidence and conviction in your disciples. You made clear that the 18 volumes of Je Tsongkhapa’s writings are the key to understanding the great works of the Indian masters. You have made clear that Tibetan Buddhism belongs to the pure tradition of Nalanda. Not taking his teachings on faith, you analysed and investigated them as the Buddha recommended. You are an incomparable master for today’s world.
“You have revealed the scientific character of much of Buddhist teaching and suggested that Buddhist science and philosophy should be accessible to all. This is a new approach to Buddhism. You travel around the world, participating in meetings and gatherings for peace and religious harmony.
“It was Trijang Rinpoche who said that the deeds of the 14th Dalai Lama would be seen to equal the deeds of all the previous Dalai Lamas. 393 years have elapsed since the Lama of Dagyab first appeared in Dagyab. He went to study in Central Tibet, and returned to Dagyab to practise. He and his successors have had the opportunity to serve the Dalai Lamas and the government of Tibet in the past. We want to repay the kindness of the Dalai Lama in full.
Waiting to make offerings as Dagyab Rinpoche makes his declaration during the Long Life Offering Ceremony for His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Ganden Jangtse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 26, 2014.
Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL |
“With regard to Dolgyal, you have done thorough investigations and obtained Tutor Trijang Dorje Chang’s consent to stop the practice. After you have investigated the matter so thoroughly, to oppose your advice is not an act of intelligence. In the past, Dagyab Magon and Bugon Monasteries did not do the practice of Dolgyal, but since the 80s the main and minor monasteries have taken up the propitiation and its rites.
“Of course, it’s an individual’s choice whether to follow Dolgyal or not. Some people exercising their authority for ulterior motives have encouraged this practice in the Dagyab region. These same people vilify His Holiness the Dalai Lama with words that strike at the heart of Tibetans. In the Dagyab region there are people spreading propaganda about Dolgyal. They say they are following in the footsteps of previous Lamas, but this is not the proper way to praise your teachers. Opposing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, while allegedly following their own teachers, is like pulling the legs from under those Lamas. Those maintaining and propagating the practice of Dolgyal in Dagyab are just spreading propaganda amongst themselves.
‘As for setting up an ‘International Shugden Coalition’ it is unprecedented that human beings should set up an organization to protect a spirit in the guise of a protector. Although I have no authority, there are people who trust me inside and outside Tibet. I would like to speak up for the people of Dagyab, for the Dharma, for peace in our community and in order that there be harmony amongst us and in the monasteries where more than 3000 monks and nuns study and practise

Dagyab Rinpoche offering representations of the Buddha’s body, speech and mind to His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the Long Life Offering Ceremony for His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Ganden Jangtse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 26, 2014. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
“Those who continue to propitiate Dolgyal are blackening everyone else with their misdeeds. They seem ungrateful to the line of Dalai Lamas and are leading faithful people into suffering and misery
“Here we have assembled here to pray for His Holiness’s Long Life. I beg your pardon for raising this issue in this gathering. Our prayers are like a small flower that can nevertheless function as an offering.
“We Tibetans are not materially powerful people at this time, but with our vast and extensive culture and the power of truth on our side, we pledge to follow your advice. Please hold us in your compassion. This is of concern to all Tibetans, as well as the people of Dagyab. Please be our protector and refuge. May you live long.”
Dagyab Rinpoche, his companions and Kyongla Rato Rinpoche offered representations of the Buddha’s body, speech and mind to His Holiness.
Presenting a new book to the public, His Holiness said that if we look at the content of the 100 volumes of the Kangyur and 220 volumes of the Tengyur we will see that it shows how to transform this mind we have now into the mind of a Buddha. And we can only do this on the basis of the mind. It involves learning to recognise the negative emotion and how to transform them. He suggested that if we could introduce such psychology into the education system, it would be helpful.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama releasing a new book on science extracted from major Buddhist texts during the fourth day of his teachings at Ganden Jangtse Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 26, 2014. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
“Today, I am releasing this concise edition of books we have compiled of science extracted from the Kangyur and Tengyur. A preliminary translation of these books into English, Chinese and Hindi is already under way and plans are afoot to translate them into Mongolian, German, Italian and Japanese. I hope they will be of some benefit.”
His Holiness expressed thanks to the Geshes who had done the research and to everyone involved in the project. He went on:
“Dagyab Rinpoche and the people of Dagyab have made this offering and Rinpoche has made things very clear in his speech. Inside and outside Tibet, people have to be rational and realistic, not clinging onto some custom just because you think it’s old. Rinpoche has suggested that when we Tibetans go back to Tibet, I might also visit Dagyab. I hope I may.
“But, do you Geshes from Shartse remember I once told you that if you clung onto this practice I wouldn’t come to Shartse again, that I would only come again if you gave it up. It’s the same for Dagyab. Why should I go somewhere where my life may be threatened? The US and Indian security services have confirmed there is such a threat. If the people of Dagyab and Chamdo do not keep their spiritual bond with me, why should I go there? If you invite me, but don’t want to listen to what I say, why should I come?
“The Dolgyal supporters who have been demonstrating against me in the USA and elsewhere call me a ‘false Dalai Lama’. I don’t mind the bad names they use; I only feel compassion for them. It’s my custom to visit churches, temples and mosques when I can, and I pay respect when I do. The demonstrators recently displayed a photograph of me wearing a Muslim skull cap and claimed that I’m a Muslim. On the one hand these people say I’m a false Dalai Lama, but on the other Trijang Rinpoche is using my name when he visits Mongolia introducing himself as the reincarnation of my Tutor.
“Whether you want to propitiate Dolgyal or not is up to you, but Dolgyal broke his pledges to the 5th Dalai Lama. People of Dagyab, I hope you hear what I’ve said. You’re welcome to argue with me, but if you do you’ll also be arguing with the evidence of 400 years of history as described in the book the International Gelugpa Association published.”
His Holiness then resumed his reading of Phabongka Rinpoche’s Lam Rim ‘Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand’, which explained how to cultivate and petition the guru.
The Stages of the Path teachings will continue tomorrow.