Yokohama, Japan, 26th June 2010 (Tibet House, Japan) His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave an audience to some two hundred Chinese this morning. His Holiness greeted the gathering, and said that we are all followers of a same Teacher [Buddha]. "According to Buddhist teaching, nature of mind is clear light, mental afflictions accumulates on it like dirt. Through proper training of mind and practice we can cleanse these dirt. Faith is important, but faith alone is not enough in Buddhist practice, we need to study and acquire the wisdom to see the profound teaching of Buddhism." He said.
Some Chinese came in Tibetan traditional dress, (chupa}, many came with Tibetan traditional offering scarves (khatas). They prostrated and many wept when His Holiness said that you should all lead a meaningful life by practicing love and compassion.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama greets the audience before his public talk in Yokohama. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL |
At Yokohama Grand Exhibition Hall, His Holiness taught on "Dependent Arising and Generation of Bodhisattvas' Heart" to the crowd of ten thousand people. Speaking on dependent arising philosophy (tenjung), He said that all phenomenon have no independent existence, things are there just because of some causes. "Therefore, the Buddhist philosophy of emptiness. Suffering is there because of ignorance, so the ignorance is cause of suffering. If we remove this ignorance, cause of suffering will cease." He said.
In the afternoon, monks from Taiwan and South Korea recited special prayers on the occasion. Indian group offered prayers in Sanskrit. Tibetan monks from Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in South India recited The Heart Sutra (Sherab Nyingpo). Mongolian musicians presented a special spiritual song with video background showing His Holiness' visit in Mongolia in the past. Japanese monks gave an impressive recitation of "Hangyashigyo", The Heart Sutra with the beating of traditional Japanese drum. Watanabe Sado, a noted Japanese jazz singer played his piece titled, "Kawa", River - for the Tibetans.

Monks reciting the Heart Sutra before the public talk in Yokohama. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL |
His Holiness thanked the monks for their sincere recitation of prayers and Heart sutra and for coming all the way from their countries for the occasion. He begun his talk on "Essence of Happiness" by saying that we all wants happiness, and nobody wants suffering, this is a common concept. "Modern science has provided us lot of material comfort and happiness, but true happiness comes from inner peace. This is achieved by moving away from a self centered attitude to helping other. Others before self attitude, love and compassion is a key to happiness." He said.
His Holiness then answered varied questions from the audience. Mr. Lhakpa Tshoko, Representative of Liaison Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama for Japan & East Asia thanked the audience for their participation, and the volunteers who had been indispensable in organizing the teaching and the talk. He also gave a brief information about the existence of official Representative office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Central Tibetan Administration at Shinjuku in Tokyo.
It was observed that monks and people have come from Taiwan, China, South Korea, Mongol, Russia etc. There were many Japanese from other neighboring prefectures also. Monks, intellectuals, foreign diplomats, students and general public participated in the teaching and the talk. At the end of the event, the crowd saw His Holiness off with a long standing ovation.
Tomorrow, His Holiness will visit Sojiji Temple in Yokohama, and talk on "Peace and Religion" to the monks and staff of the Temple.