Nagano, Japan, 21 June 2010 (Tibet House, Japan) - This morning His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited a stupa erected in 1962 in memory of Ven Tada Tokan, a Japanese monk who in 1913 visited Tibet and studied there for ten years and brought many Buddhist scriptures to Japan during the time of 13th Dalai Lama.

His Holiness visits a stupa In Nagano, Japan. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
Later His Holiness visited Saihoji Temple, where he consecrated the newly constructed eight foot statue of Buddha Amitabha, *Od padme*. The statue was initiated by the Chief Abbot Kaneko and built by Tibetan master artist Kalsang la and his team. At the consecration ceremony, His Holiness said, "we all have a Buddha seed in us, but Buddhahood is achieved through ones practice only. It is not something coming from Buddha and through praying only."
At a teaching organized by Saihoji Temple, His Holiness taught on "Four Noble Truths" to more than three hundred monks and general public at the Temple complex.
His Holiness explained about the essential teaching of the Four Noble Truth and went into detail the importance of proper understanding of the teaching. Advising the public on day to day practice of Buddhism, recitation of Heart Sutra and prayers is good, but more important thing is to study the scriptures and to understand its meaning. "Ignorance cannot be dispelled by praying, it has to be dispelled by understanding the ignorance and uprooting it to see the true truth." He explained.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama giving a teaching at the Saihoji Temple in Nagano, Japan. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL |
Answering to a question from the participants as to which language is best for His Holiness and for others to study Buddhism, His Holiness said Tibetan being his mother tongue, Tibetan language is best for him. "For other as far as Buddhism of Nalanda Sanskrit tradition is concerned, Tibetan language is richest and the best. There are more than 300 original Indian scriptures by Indian masters like Shantarakshita, Nagarjuna, Dhigna, Dharmakirti translated into Tibetan language. This is not found in any other languages." He said.
To a question from a young participant - what Japanese can do for the world peace, His Holiness said that Japan has suffered greatly during the war, it is in a very good position to lead a peace movement. "World is speaking of disarmament, this is good. But more than this, inner disarmament is very important. This, you young Japanese should lead the world in this direction." Said His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
In the afternoon, His Holiness and the entourages left for Kanazawa city, where he will teach on "Heart Sutra" to the audience of more than two thousand. Busshokai, a Japanese Buddhist group organized the teaching.